Computer Science- Programming I
Example Course Description: This two semester comprehensive course provides students with a foundational understanding of computer science, exploring key concepts that underlie modern technology and shaping the digital world. Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application, students will embark on a journey through the history of computers, delve into hardware components and troubleshooting, explore the fundamentals of software and coding, and gain insights into the dynamic realm of networks and the internet. Students in this course will be expected to develop skills in communication, professionalism, and critical thinking. Students will complete inddependent and self-guided projects in this class.
Introduction To Computer Science
History of Computing
Back To School Computer Science Introduction
Careers In Computer Science Gimkit
Early Computing Devices Presentation & Activity
The Beginning: Vacuum Tubes & Early Computers
History of Computers: Careers That Emerged From The Invention of The Computer
Inventors Of Modern Computers Video Assignment
Effective Research Lesson & Flyer Guide
Algorithm For Everyday Activities
ARPANET and the evolution of the internet ARPANET Worksheet
Researching and Evaluating Mobile Devices
Exlporing Cloud Computing and its Benefits
Crowdsourcing Innovation Challenge
Modern computing
Virtual & Augmented Reality Worksheet Activity
Storage & Cloud Computing Lesson
Researching And Evaluating Mobile Devices & Storage
Cloud Computing Website & Apps Guessing Game
Hardware & Troubleshooting
Hardware & Peripheral Devices (Input & Output Devices) Lesson
Careers Related to Hardware and/or Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting- Small Group Research
Help A Neighbor! Hardware Troubleshooting Infographic
Motherboard Labeling & Identification
Understanding Form Factors & Purchasing Considerations
Selecting the Right RAM for the job
Identifying Parts of A Computer
Programming & Software
Introduction To Programming & Python
Introduction To Programming & Python Check For Understanding
Getting Started W/ Codecademy Python
Indentions In Python Example & Worksheet
Boolean Presentation Boolean Assignment
Product Proposal App Project Pt. 1 & 2
Product Proposal App Project Pt. 3
For Loop & While Loop Practice
For & While Loop Fill In The Blank
Creating Basic Shapes With Turtle Assignment
Coding Websites: